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  DE-FOA-0001518 Scaling Up the Next Generation of Building Efficiency Packages Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Building Technologies (BTO) 11/21/2016 05:00 PM ET 2/21/2017 05:00 PM ET

DE-FOA-0001518: Scaling Up the Next Generation of Building Efficiency Packages

 The Commercial Buildings Integration (CBI) program, working in cooperation with the General Services Administration’s (GSA) Green Proving Ground program, will invest $6.5 million in a competitive Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA). DOE seeks proposals that drive innovation in real building technology demonstrations while also fostering the collaboration of dynamic demonstration teams that include energy organizations (states, local governments or Regional Energy Efficiency Organizations), efficient building hubs (such as Innovation or Incubator hubs), utilities, and building energy modeling professionals.

This FOA builds off of current laboratory and simulation analysis of technology packages by investing in real building demonstrations led by strategically structured teams who will identify and verify multi-system energy efficiency packages (groups of technologies that improve efficiency across two building systems: envelope, lighting/electrical, plug, process, heating, ventilation, cooling, refrigeration, energy management and information, sensors and controls). Projects selected through this funding opportunity will prime the market for the adoption of emerging and underutilized technology packages and create new synergies between building stakeholder groups, and/or, ultimately help utilities develop and release or expand more aggressive and ambitious Energy Efficiency (EE) program offerings. This FOA also supports the critical function of evaluation, measurement and verification (EM&V) by using existing DOE tools and resources to: 1) identify the most impactful multi-system packages, 2) develop the preliminary savings calculations, 3) collect data to verify package performance along with other market factors in real buildings, and 4) foster more consistent energy efficiency programs across the country.

Informational Webinar: The Informational Webinar mentioned in the FOA was held on November 2, 2016 at 12:00PM Eastern Standard Time. Please see documents below in the "Documents" section for the powerpoint presentation and transcript.

EERE compiled a Teaming Partner List to facilitate the formation of new project teams for this FOA. The Teaming Partner List is available below under "Documents".

The eXCHANGE system is currently designed to enforce hard deadlines for Concept Paper and Full Application submissions. The APPLY and SUBMIT buttons automatically disable at the defined submission deadlines. The intention of this design is to consistently enforce a standard deadline for all applicants.

Applicants that experience issues with submissions PRIOR to the FOA Deadline:

In the event that an Applicant experiences technical difficulties with a submission, the Applicant should contact the eXCHANGE helpdesk for assistance ( The eXCHANGE helpdesk &/or the EERE eXCHANGE System Administrators ( will assist the Applicant in resolving all issues.

Applicants that experience issues with submissions that result in a late submission:

In the event that an Applicant experiences technical difficulties with a submission that results in a late submission, the Applicant should contact the eXCHANGE helpdesk for assistance ( The eXCHANGE helpdesk &/or the EERE eXCHANGE System Administrators ( will assist the Applicant in resolving all issues (including finalizing the submission on behalf of and with the Applicant’s concurrence). DOE will only accept late applications when the Applicant has a) encountered technical difficulties beyond their control; b) has contacted the eXCHANGE helpdesk for assistance, and c) has submitted the application through eXCHANGE within 24 hours of the FOA’s posted deadline.


  • DE-FOA-0001518_-_Funding_Opportunity_Announcement_(FOA) (Last Updated: 10/19/2016 11:25 AM ET)
  • BTO CBI 2017 FOA Q&A Log (Last Updated: 2/15/2017 04:34 PM ET)
  • DE-FOA-0001518 Teaming List_RFI Responses (Last Updated: 1/31/2017 02:51 PM ET)
  • EERE_205_-_FOA_Applicant_Webinar_Presentation (Last Updated: 11/2/2016 03:16 PM ET)
  • DE-FOA-0001518__FOA_Applicant_Webinar_-small (Last Updated: 11/3/2016 03:25 PM ET)
  • EERE_205_-_FOA_Applicant_Webinar_Presentation_-_Transcript (Last Updated: 11/3/2016 04:39 PM ET)

Application Forms and Templates

The following forms and templates may be used as part of the application submission. Note that these forms and templates do not necessarily constitute all the documents required for a complete application. Please refer to the 'Application and Submission Information' of the published announcement to learn more about the required application content requirements.

Full Application

  • SF-424 (Last Updated: 10/7/2016 05:02 PM ET)
  • EERE_303_-_Statement_of_Project_Objectives_(SOPO) (Last Updated: 10/7/2016 05:04 PM ET)
  • EERE_335_-_Budget_Justification (Last Updated: 10/7/2016 05:05 PM ET)
  • Summary_Slide (Last Updated: 10/7/2016 05:06 PM ET)
  • SF_LLL_-_Disclosure_of_Lobbying_Activities (Last Updated: 10/7/2016 05:07 PM ET)

Contact Information

Submission Deadlines

  • Concept Paper Submission Deadline: 11/21/2016 5:00 PM ET
  • Full Application Submission Deadline: 2/21/2017 5:00 PM ET
  • View Full Application Reviewer Comments Period: 4/3/2017 5:00 PM ET – 4/6/2017 5:00 PM ET